BaByliss PRO PET Banamine Banamine Paste BARK Barkworthies Bass Brush Bay O Pet Kiltix Collar Bayer Bayer Animal Health Bayopet Collar Baytril Be One Breed Benazepril Benebone Bergan Bessie and Barnie Better Bird Bimectin Allwormer Paste Bimeda Inc Bio Cide International Bio Derm Laboratories Inc Bio Pro Research LLC Bio techne Biohealth Solutions BioNote Inc biOrb Bison Pet Bissell Blue Buffalo Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet Blue Ribbon Pet BOBS BOBS from Skechers Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc Bond Co Booda Boxiecat Bravecto Bravecto Plus Bravecto Spot On Bravecto Topical Bravo Brilliant Pad Broadline Spot On Broadline Spot On Solution BroadMaster Biotech Corporation Browning Browns Buckle Down
A AA Aquarium Abaxis ACANA Actavis Activyl Activyl Flea Control Spot On Adams Adaptil Adaptil Collar Adaptil Spray Addiction Adequan Canine Adequan Equine Ader Enterprises Inc Advanced Monitors Corporation Advantage Advantage Multi Advantek Advantus Advecta AE Cage Company AeroDawg AeroKat Agri Pro Enterprises Airfree Electronics Products LTD AKC Alaska Naturals alcott All Four Paws Alpha Tech Pet Amici Home Amitriptyline Amneal Andis Andis Company Angels Eyes Animal Necessity Animaze Anipryl Antezole Deworming Paste Antezole Liquid Oral Suspension Antezole Liquid Suspension Antezole Paste Anxiety TFLN API Apoquel Applaws Applaws Taste Toppers AQAMAI Aqua Euro USA Aquapaw Aquatic Fundamentals Aqueon Aratana Arf Pets Ark Naturals Arm Hammer Armarkat Arthrimed Powder Arthrimed Tablets As Seen on TV Ashley Craig Pet Products Inc ASL ASOBU ASPEN Aspen Pet Aspen Vet Resources Atopica Avert Bitter Solution Avery Avid Identification Systems Inc. Vectra 3D contains Dinotefuran, pyriproxyfen, and permethrin. #EAR PRODUCTS OTOMAX SKIN#
Side effects of Vectra 3D can include, but are not limited to: extreme restlessness and jitteriness, described as anxiety or manic behavior, chemical burns of the skin at the site of application, lethargy, panting, racing heart, dog?s body hot to the touch, loose stool or vomiting, apparent dehydration (excessive water drinking) If applied to a cat, or ingested by a cat that actively grooms a recently treated dog, this veterinary medicinal product may have serious harmful effects. Due to their unique physiology and inability to metabolise permethrin, this veterinary medicinal product must not be used on cats.
Long-Lasting - Remains effective after bathing and swimming. Broad Spectrum Protection - Repels and kills fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, biting and sand flies, lice and mites (excluding mange mites).Kills adult fleas and prevents the development of all immature stages of fleas: eggs, larvae and pupae. Begins reducing flea feeding in 5 minutes kills fleas in 6 hours. Fast-Acting - Kills through contact parasites don?t have to bite to die. Contoured applicator is easy to hold with no-drip, no-splash technology. Vectra 3D kills fleas and ticks, while preventing mosquitoes from biting, reducing the risk of heartworm and certain parasites.įor: Dogs and pups 7 weeks and older, who suffer from fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. The easy patended application makes it easy to apply. Vectra 3D is waterproof and for dogs and pups 7 weeks and older. Vectra 3D works within 6 hours, decreasing the risk of vector-borne diseases.
Vectra 3D is a monthly topical medication, designed to repel and kill fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes on contact.